- 3d
- Agriculture
- Animals / pets
- Architects
- Art (music, painting...)
- Baseball
- Beauty / women
- Books
- Business
- Cars
- Cell phone
- Charity
- Chess
- Clairvoyance / esotericism
- Clean energy
- Club
- Communication
- Computer
- Consulting
- Css
- Dating
- Diving
- Dj / night club
- Drupal
- Education
- Employment
- Events
- Family
- Fashion
- Fishing
- Flash
- Flower
- Forum
- Forum pphpbb
- Games / gaming
- Golf
- Guestbook
- Hair salon
- Health
- Horse
- Hotel
- Html
- Human body
- Industrial
- Intros
- Iphone
- It business
- Jewelry
- Joomla
- Law
- Makeup
- Mambo
- Manga / comics
- Media
- Medical
- Military / war
- Movies
- Music
- Newspaper
- Online casino
- Oscommerce
- Party
- Personal
- Personal blog
- Pharmacy
- Photographer
- Photography
- Pizzeria
- Plane
- Poker
- Portal
- Portfolio
- Real estate
- Recycling
- Religion / church
- Restaurant
- Saint valentine
- School
- Sexy woman
- Soccer
- Software
- Sport
- Voyage
- Web design
- Web hosting
- Wedding
- Wind turbine / wind power
- Wordpress

Wedding Flash Templates
Whether you are a bridal shop owner, a wedding planner or just a newlywed couple willing to share your fondest memories, the wedding template is what you ask for. A wedding is an important milestone in a couple’s life, yet it is always too ephemeral. With an elegantly designed wedding template, the bridal gown, the wedding ceremony and the honeymoon will be immortalized. Visitors will be able to share their feelings or give their congratulations in the guestbook. As years go by, the family photos and wedding anniversary pictures will seamlessly be part of the website.If you’re a pro, the wedding template’s design will allow you to implement a full-fledged selling system including a shopping cart and many powerful tools to promote your products. Pre-filled categories will emphasize pictures and easily showcase wedding veils and bridal gowns, jewelry, shoes, hats and every accessory needed in a wedding.