- 3d
- Agriculture
- Animals / pets
- Architects
- Art (music, painting...)
- Baseball
- Beauty / women
- Books
- Business
- Cars
- Cell phone
- Charity
- Chess
- Clairvoyance / esotericism
- Clean energy
- Club
- Communication
- Computer
- Consulting
- Css
- Dating
- Diving
- Dj / night club
- Drupal
- Education
- Employment
- Events
- Family
- Fashion
- Fishing
- Flash
- Flower
- Forum
- Forum pphpbb
- Games / gaming
- Golf
- Guestbook
- Hair salon
- Health
- Horse
- Hotel
- Html
- Human body
- Industrial
- Intros
- Iphone
- It business
- Jewelry
- Joomla
- Law
- Makeup
- Mambo
- Manga / comics
- Media
- Medical
- Military / war
- Movies
- Music
- Newspaper
- Online casino
- Oscommerce
- Party
- Personal
- Personal blog
- Pharmacy
- Photographer
- Photography
- Pizzeria
- Plane
- Poker
- Portal
- Portfolio
- Real estate
- Recycling
- Religion / church
- Restaurant
- Saint valentine
- School
- Sexy woman
- Soccer
- Software
- Sport
- Voyage
- Web design
- Web hosting
- Wedding
- Wind turbine / wind power
- Wordpress

Flower Flash Templates
The flower templates are targeted to both professionals (landscapers, florists, garden centres) and individuals interested in flowers and gardening and willing to share their enthusiasm and experiences.Different layouts can be selected for that purpose: osCommerce templates are available for online shops, featuring a number of flower images (roses, tulips, orchids, peonies, dahlias, amaryllis), of photos of bouquets, bulbs, seeds, planters, potted shrubs or shrubs planted in the ground, which can all be displayed in an online catalog.
Both landscapers and individuals can choose a classic layout which includes a portfolio presentation section and contact pages, or a portal template to promote a topic, or a more personal blog. Some of the designs may clearly identify a specific subject (wedding bouquet composition, exotic plants and flowers).