- 3d
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- Animals / pets
- Architects
- Art (music, painting...)
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- Books
- Business
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- Charity
- Chess
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- Club
- Communication
- Computer
- Consulting
- Css
- Dating
- Diving
- Dj / night club
- Drupal
- Education
- Employment
- Events
- Family
- Fashion
- Fishing
- Flash
- Flower
- Forum
- Forum pphpbb
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- Golf
- Guestbook
- Hair salon
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- Horse
- Hotel
- Html
- Human body
- Industrial
- Intros
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- It business
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- Joomla
- Law
- Makeup
- Mambo
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- Media
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- Military / war
- Movies
- Music
- Newspaper
- Online casino
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- Party
- Personal
- Personal blog
- Pharmacy
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- Photography
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- Plane
- Poker
- Portal
- Portfolio
- Real estate
- Recycling
- Religion / church
- Restaurant
- Saint valentine
- School
- Sexy woman
- Soccer
- Software
- Sport
- Voyage
- Web design
- Web hosting
- Wedding
- Wind turbine / wind power
- Wordpress

You are at one with nature and you would like to create a website in which you will share your love for fishing and exchange with other fishermen about the sport of patience, the art of silence. The fishing website templates are just what you need to keep in touch with your fellow fishermen and talk about that great feeling of having big catches. Perhaps you are also the owner of a fishing shop and would like to display the tackles and gears you are selling: fishing rods, hooks, nets, buckets, boots, or even boats and harpoons. The fishing website templates cover various topics such as sport fishing, spearfishing, boat fishing (handline fishing, trolling, cormorant fishing), fishing on foot, electrofishing, etc. They are also the perfect choice if you are a professional angler and looking to share your performances or any other information regarding competitions, the best spots, your pictures, or your various experiences.