- 3d
- Agriculture
- Animals / pets
- Architects
- Art (music, painting...)
- Baseball
- Beauty / women
- Books
- Business
- Cars
- Cell phone
- Charity
- Chess
- Clairvoyance / esotericism
- Clean energy
- Club
- Communication
- Computer
- Consulting
- Css
- Dating
- Diving
- Dj / night club
- Drupal
- Education
- Employment
- Events
- Family
- Fashion
- Fishing
- Flash
- Flower
- Forum
- Forum pphpbb
- Games / gaming
- Golf
- Guestbook
- Hair salon
- Health
- Horse
- Hotel
- Html
- Human body
- Industrial
- Intros
- Iphone
- It business
- Jewelry
- Joomla
- Law
- Makeup
- Mambo
- Manga / comics
- Media
- Medical
- Military / war
- Movies
- Music
- Newspaper
- Online casino
- Oscommerce
- Party
- Personal
- Personal blog
- Pharmacy
- Photographer
- Photography
- Pizzeria
- Plane
- Poker
- Portal
- Portfolio
- Real estate
- Recycling
- Religion / church
- Restaurant
- Saint valentine
- School
- Sexy woman
- Soccer
- Software
- Sport
- Voyage
- Web design
- Web hosting
- Wedding
- Wind turbine / wind power
- Wordpress

Joomla Templates
These are templates designed specifically for the Joomla CMS (Content Management system). Joomla is a free, open source and robust system with which you can quickly launch your website with (nearly) no web development knowledge at all. Joomla-powered sites are built upon the PHP language and a MySQL database. These qualities confers Joomla a solid reliability and makes it one of the best CMS available.Our Joomla templates are related to many themes: corporate, beauty, fashion, shopping, news, movie reviews, video games, car industry. If you are willing to create a complex website with membership management and members area, blogs and forums, our templates are exactly what you need. You can also use them to create a personal page or a website to showcase your business.