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- Wordpress

Football (Soccer)
The football website templates will satisfy both players and supporters thanks to their sleek and design interfaces: all the fans of the game will be able to give free rein to their passion. Football is the world? number one sport, it attracts an all-age audience and its popularity is always huge, particularly during international competitions such as the World Cup. To satisfy the players and the spectators, the football website templates comes in several categories: some designs will cover facts and information (Fifa, legendary players such as Maradona and Zidane, the role of the forwards, the defenders, the goalies, the coach or the history of footballu while others will cover the news, the latest games, the pundits, the technique, the great games, the refereeing (penalties, yellow and red cards), include the directory of all football players, and talk about women? football. Perhaps your website will give the visitors an opportunity to watch rare archives such as the pictures of the F.A. Cup finals in 1905, or the ability to design their own shirts?